Sunday, April 03, 2005

Lighthouse on Rainy Day

Under the influence of sobriety...

Something strange happens to a girl when the fog socks in and the wind whistles down the chimney flu. Her mind slips to thoughts of "Sleepy Hollow" type mysteries, and rather unseasonable feelings of hot chocolate and wooly slippers.

The upcoming advent of my 31st has, as is oft the case with birthdays, filled me with much melancholy and reflection. Questions of destiny, adventure, purpose and ambition begin to plague most waking moments. I start to feel the weight of my three decades, and the whisper-light quality of the future. How quickly it all moves. So quickly in fact, one feels as though time is not moving at all. That life will go on and on...that love and friends and families will continue at infinitum...

The rain is pounding today. Grey and tumultuous. My coffee is luke-warm, but my toes are toasty.
Perhaps a hot-tottie to see me through.

Did you receive the package I sent?
love and hugs,