I have always had these periods of lull in my life. Grade 11, my 23rd year, my 27th year...the last 6 months...I figure if Julia Roberts can drop out of the lime light and remake her career every few years, then why the hell can't I?

I think that in this next chapter I am going to re-evaluate my desire to be a ninja . It has become increasingly difficult to break into this new line of work, as ninja are netoriously invisible
and awesome.
There is a fair amount of guilt I feel in wasting time with self evaluation and dreams. The vast majority of folk on this planet spend their entire lives just trying keep a roof over their heads and food in their bellies. I am beginning to feel a moral, nay social obligation to use my pondering for the betterment of my fellow man.
There is a great quote in "High Fidelity" by Nick Hornby. Well actually it is a quote of a quote..."He's got time on his hands, and himself on his mind." And that is exactly where I have been these last few months, for better or worse.