Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Life is.

Life is when you argue over the phone bill.
Or when there's not enough milk for your morning coffee.
Life is when your friend's babies are born, or even when they're not.
I know life, when a loved one passes, or when I hear one sleeping late on my couch.
Life is in the quite of the everyday, and in the mania of buying a new house.
Life is having to scrub behind the toilet because the inspestor is coming.
Life not wanting to make dinner tonight, and having a glass of wine instead.
Life is spraining your ankle. Life is being late. Life is feeling cosy every so often.
Life is worrying about your friends. And being proud of them at the same time.
Life whispers a fair amount, and then yells when you're sleepy.
Life is. Life is.