Sunday, December 11, 2005

Into the snow

There are times in life when I need to hide. Not in the literal-Under the bed, no I am not coming out for dinner sense. But in a more-Wake up/Go to work/Eat/Sleep/Crap/Cry/Repeat sort of way. Now I am not making any promises, but I think I am cracking the pattern. I have that rumbling in my head that either means I've taken too many Advil this week, or that my need for expression and joy is back.

I have always had these periods of lull in my life. Grade 11, my 23rd year, my 27th year...the last 6 months...I figure if Julia Roberts can drop out of the lime light and remake her career every few years, then why the hell can't I?

I think that in this next chapter I am going to re-evaluate my desire to be a ninja . It has become increasingly difficult to break into this new line of work, as ninja are netoriously invisible
and awesome.

There is a fair amount of guilt I feel in wasting time with self evaluation and dreams. The vast majority of folk on this planet spend their entire lives just trying keep a roof over their heads
and food in their bellies. I am beginning to feel a moral, nay social obligation to use my pondering for the betterment of my fellow man.

There is a great quote in "High Fidelity" by Nick Hornby. Well actually it is a quote of a quote..."He's got time on his hands, and himself on his mind." And that is exactly where I have been these last few months, for better or worse.


Ms. Maizun said...

So glad to see you back! I spent the better part of Thursday (or was it Friday...hmmm can't remember) trying to search for your blog through blogger. I couldn't remember the exact name but new "Miss Creant" was in there. Stupid Blogger Search.

But you're back and I've witnessed it and I'm so happy.


The one and only Juan (TM) said...

Welcome back, love. I feel somewhat guilty for hassling you over lack of Blog-based activity when I haven't even checked it and there was an entry there all along. But it WAS six months. Hence the 'somewhat' guilty, rather than 'guilt-ridden to the point of suicide'. I'm looking forward to the back-from-travel-life-re-evaluation stuff! Be nice to watch someone else go through it...!

The one and only Juan (TM) said...

Well your next entry, 'post-travel', will certainly make for some interesting reading...!


The one and only Juan (TM) said...

Well your next entry, 'post-travel', will certainly make for some interesting reading...!
