Tuesday, February 20, 2007

The Top Banana

Behold! The glories of Organics@Home!

Rosamond and I have been enjoying the weekly organic fruit and vegetable deliveries. It is a bit like C-mas morning, opening the blue Rubbermaid when we get home from work. And this week, what to our wondering eyes should appear? But the world's most GINORMOUS BANANA!!

Seriously. Two bananas in one. We had to slice it like bread. I thought it was G.M.O. bananas that were supposed to be all freaky.

I'll keep you updated on what oddities this week's bounty puts forth.

Miss. C, Rosamond, and our new house guest...Senor Banana.

PS. Please keep all unsavory comments to yourselves.


Ms. Maizun said...

OH!! You knew it was coming didn't you?! I was all ready and then I got to the PS. Nasty!!

I do have to say, your nails look lovely wrapped so gently around that MASSIVE banana!!! Did you get them done? Manicure?

The Devine Miss.Creant said...

Oh bok bok,
I have found the BEST little place around the corner from my house. When you come out I'll treat you to a pedi! Thinkin' of you as my nails clickety click on the keyboard. :)

Ms. Maizun said...

Lovely! I can't wait. We're talking about a fall visit. I'll keep you posted.